Green ivy walls to improve air quality at Tower Hamlets schools

Local Hub Editor

One thought on “Green ivy walls to improve air quality at Tower Hamlets schools

  • This is a brilliant idea and i hope that it will be carry on not only at schools but around Tower Hamlets homes around all estates!
    I just would like to inform u that your effort is very important not only for childrens at schools but to all residents of Tower Hamlets!
    Im living at Clarion estate at Bethnal Green Cornwall Avenue and recently Clarion decided to vandalise our 30 years old ivy which we cherish all those years and was home for birds and provided food for bees and shade as well as filtrate the polluted air- i can not understand the decision without consideration what kind of impact is going to have on residents and nature!
    It is the sadness moment for us the residents of Clarion housing!!!
    Anna Luj – 07942552069


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