Excerpt of Tower Hamlets Council meeting held on 21 September 2024
Mandeep Bogle, Director of Operations at THCH, gave a presentation responding to residents’ feedback from the previous meeting on 24 June 2024. This largely consisted of an explanation of the organisation’s plans to merge with the Hyde Group, a large Housing Association, as a result of THCH’s limited capacity to deliver improvements.
The merger is a response to a number of factors, including the Right to Buy scheme reducing THCH’s rental income by around a third since the stock transfer, as well as the large cost of fire safety works following the Grenfell Tower fire in 2017. Ms Bogle stated that the cost of fire safety works, also known as fire remediation works, would be around £50 million for THCH. She argued that seeking a merger would accelerate improvements for residents and allow for investment in their housing stock.
Councillors raised concerns about the lack of communication and engagement with residents. They also asked about how residents are being involved in prioritisation of works. Ms Bogle stated that THCH remained a local and community based organisation. She assured the committee that Hyde was committed to keeping THCH local and investing in community benefits and social value. She also argued that Hyde’s investment would allow for the acceleration of works on schemes such as lift upgrades at Luke House, kitchen and bathroom upgrades, and roof upgrades.
This summary is provided by Open Council Network, which uses AI-generated summaries to ensure that journalism fulfils its role in informing the public of the activities of government.