I was upset about this before, but now I feel more frightened than ever before. My neighbour sent me a link to your post because she was so upset about it. She was far too scared to comment on it, and so am I, after seeing how people are being attacked for speaking up.
This is London. This is meant to be a city that promotes diversity. What we are seeing in Tower Hamlets is open racism. Public lamp posts are being used to threaten and intimidate the minority Jewish community. How is this being allowed? Every Jewish person I know who lives here is incredibly upset about it and feels like we are being pushed to move out. No one is commenting publicly because we are afraid for our physical safety, and for the safety of our children. This reminds us of what our grandparents experienced in the Holocaust.
I am taking a big risk even writing anything, I know most people are too afraid to speak up. But this does not mean the sentiment is not there. The flags must be removed, we need the streets to feel safe for every community. Opinions on any foreign policy do not belong on our public property.