Do you know someone we should all be proud of?
All over Tower Hamlets, there are special people who are working to make things better. People who live, work or study in the area and who help to improve the quality of life for other people.
The council’s Civic Awards Scheme allows us to thank the borough’s unsung heroes and heroines.
If you know someone who:
(A) gives outstanding service to the community
(B) has brought credit to the borough through sporting, artistic or cultural achievements
(C) has improved the quality of life for local people by providing services beyond what they are paid to do
(D) has benefited the community through success in business and in community involvement
(E) is a young achiever under 25 years old whose accomplishments are extraordinary and should be recognised?
You can nominate them for a Civic Award before the deadline of Sunday 15 January 2023.