Gambling regulation in the UK is split between the Gambling Commission and Local Authorities. The Gambling Commission regulates remote gambling (including online gambling) and licences personal and operator licences; Local Authorities regulate non-remote gambling and licence premises.
As a local authority, Tower Hamlets are reviewing their Statement of Gambling Policy 2019 to 2022. Before making their decision they must carry out a statutory consultation. The consultation commenced on Monday 7 March and is finishing at 11.59pm on Sunday 29 May.
The council would welcome your comments on their Draft Statement of Gambling Policy 2022-2025 and Table of Changes. You can find these in the ‘Documents’ section on the right side of the website, along with their current Statement of Gambling Policy 2019-2022. Please read through these before completing the survey which is also found on the website. There will be space for you to provide any comments about the documents that you may have.
You can also make comments by emailingÂ