A Tower Hamlets for All: Have your say, and complete this short survey on a new Tower Hamlets Partnership Plan by 30 January 2023.
Get involved, tell us your views and help shape the new Tower Hamlets Partnership Plan – your borough your plan.
The Tower Hamlets Partnership are keen to hear your views about Tower Hamlets, what you feel are the borough’s challenges and opportunities, and what the future could look like, if we all worked together.
Chaired by the Mayor, the Tower Hamlets Partnership brings together key stakeholders to improve services and outcomes for residents, working with residents and providing strategic leadership on complex cross-cutting issues.
You can complete this survey at the council’s Digital Hubs located in Idea Stores Bow, Canary Wharf, Chrisp Street and Whitechapel and at the Residents’ Hubs at Idea Store Whitechapel and Mulberry Place. Council staff will be available to give support to help people complete this survey.
Sign in or register here to complete this survey online.