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New plant stall in Globe Town Market Square

A new stall is coming to Globe Town Market. Martin Fuller, formally a fisherman off the coast of Newhaven in East Sussex and a gardener before that, has opened a new plant stall at the market.

He’ll be joining Herbert’s Fruit and Vegetable stall and Del Downey’s fishmongers stall. Hoping to be there every day of the week, with Fridays and Saturdays to start with, he’ll be up and running with enough time for all your flower needs this Mother’s Day.

Putting his gardening experience and knowledge of plants towards his new stall, Martin Fuller is excited to be selling to the area. He has a green fingered nature passed down from both of his grandfathers who were professional gardeners.

He won a prize in the Tower Hamlets in Bloom competition last year for his colourful north-facing front garden. He also won a prize from landlords at Peabody Housing, in a different garden competition.

Martin Fuller is looking for a less stressful vocation after having worked at sea for the last twenty years, fishing, and on wind farms. He also wanted to be closer to his home on Old Ford Road, with local author Rowena Macdonald and their four year old daughter, Leah.

Favouring potted plants, Fuller will be selling mainly these at his stall, believing they are better value for money for his customers and last longer.

He’ll be stocking quite a few Pelargoniums as they become available. Easily his favourite plants, Fuller wants to stock them because they come in many different varieties and flower for much longer than others.

His rural background in Sussex means plants and gardening are in his blood, and with his work acknowledged, he’s definitely the one to go to for all your plant needs. He also plans to join Roman Road Market occasionally.

Fuller encourages people to pop over and say hi, so keep your eye out for the new stall.

Martin Fuller Plants Globe Town Square
Martin Fuller Plants Globe Town
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Natasha Forrest

Natasha is a QMUL English graduate who lives on Brick Lane with a passion for reading and tea.

3 thoughts on “New plant stall in Globe Town Market Square

  • Does anyone have Martin’s contact details?

  • Sandy Ortega

    I echo the above, as I’d love to order some plants from him right now

    • I bought plants from him this weekend. He can be found near the Shoreditch Overground station


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