Free part-time course in photography
Open to Tower Hamlets residents aged 14–25 and over 50.
Want to know more about photography and developing your own prints? Into Focus is a free, part-time course exploring film photography. Collaborate with people from across Tower Hamlets to develop camera skills in just 12 weeks.
- Learn about different camera techniques and get the chance to put these into practice in our professional photography studio
- Experiment with printing methods in the Four Corners’ darkroom
- Explore Tower Hamlets through local photography walks
- Showcase your work online and/or at Four Corners’ Gallery (covid-permitting)
All on-site practical workshops will be run safely according to Covid guidelines.
There are 12 places available for the next round beginning Thursday 10th February. The course will take place every Thursday 4-7pm for 12 weeks.
To apply, please complete the application form on our website.
This project is generously supported by the London Borough of Tower Hamlets Local Community Fund.

Four Corners believes in film and photography for all. As a registered charity, our work builds upon almost 50 years of radical, socially-engaged approaches to photography and film. Situated on ...