Resident tickets draw for All Points East festival 2021
All Points East is returning for its third edition on 27 to 30 August, joining forces with Field Day to conclude the festivities on the Sunday.
Headline acts for All Points East have now been announced by every day including Jorja Smith on Friday, Kano on Saturday, Field Day on Sunday and regulars Bombay Bicyle Club on Monday.
To compensate for the noise and crowds experienced by residents living closest to the park (a good or bad thing depending on your point of view) London Borough of Tower Hamlets will be running the annual residents ticket draw again, providing free tickets to the festival for a lucky few.
The catchment area will remain the same as 2019 so that the residents closest to the park and most affected by the events have the opportunity to benefit.
As previously, the same number of tickets will be issued per event day. If or when the capacity is increased, the number of tickets available will increase proportionally.
How do you apply? Residents in eligible roads marked in pink on the map will receive a letter by mid-June, so keep an eye out for the letter from the Council.

I love listening to music and going to live concerts. The park and local area area are not suitable to festivals. It’s been so nice not having large areas of the park closed off for weeks this past year. Not having post concert noise and drunkenness around the streets nor having people urinating outside the park or being sick. The London stadium seems way more suitable for this and there’s plenty of space for the additional stalls and activities. Offering locals a lottery for tickets doesn’t make up at all for the issues we all have during the festival season. We love our local park and really get upset that at the time of year we most want to enjoy it, it is fenced off.
I 100% agree with the above comment. I myself am a lover of music and festivals. However Victoria Park is not the right place for these type of events. Every year it takes several months for the park to go back to the way it is meant to loo after these events. Not to mention the stress it causes to the wild life in the park. Not fair.
I completely sympathise and understand the two people above. The number of Festival days is becoming too much. Offers of tickets help but tbh, my heart is with residents and local wildlife.
Re the tickets… The question is, did anyone actually receive these so-called comp tickets that were for residents whom entered the draw from the catchment area??
I as well as all of my neighbours who live in the catchment area entered and not one of us received tickets. Nor have we done since the days of Love box. Leading me/us to believe that this is purely publicity and isn’t being tracked. Can some one tell me, did they receive comp tickets..