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Sulkin House through a photographer’s lens [photoessay]

Sulkin House is one of the most distinctive buildings in East London, which is no small feat. Designed by Denys Lasdun and built in the 1950s, it pioneered the open, efficient butterfly layout made iconic by Keeling House in Bethnal Green.

Rising eight floors above Globe Town Market Square, Sulkin House remains a triumph of council housing design. Contributing photographer Yev Kazannik of Green Lens Studios captured the building’s timeless elegance on a suitably cool afternoon.

Sulkin House in Globe Town, East London
Sulkin House in Globe Town, East London
Sulkin House in Globe Town, East London
Sulkin House in Globe Town, East London
Sulkin House in Globe Town, East London
Sulkin House in Globe Town, East London
Sulkin House in Globe Town, East London
Sulkin House in Globe Town, East London
Sulkin House in Globe Town, East London

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