Add Notice
Add a notice to the Local Hub’s Community Noticeboard for Tower Hamlets.
Non-Member Notices
If you’re not a member, please pay before submitting your event. We will publish once payment is received. Find out more about becoming a member.
- Pay £20 using button below
- Login (register) to user account
- Submit the form which appears below once logged on
Member Notices
If you are an Organisation Member,you can post notices for free as part of your membership. We will publish once the content is checked and optimised. (Upload events here)
- Login to user account
- Submit the form which appears below once logged on
Reader’s Letters
If you are a reader and don’t have a Place Listing you can still submit content to the Local Hub. This option is suitable for:
- Tip-offs (confidential and not published online)
- Reader’s letters
- Creative submissions.