Support local journalism by becoming a member

We are at a critical crossroads and need your immediate action to prevent the closure of your local news title Roman Road LDN. We are asking 166 people to become £6 members to cover our shortfall and ensure we can continue to provide crucial reporting about your area beyond summer 2024. We’ve had an amazing response to our appeal with 40 people signing up in the first 48 hours so we know we can succeed. Can we count on you?

We are a social enterprise and aim to be fully funded by our members because we want to be accountable to the local community we serve and not to outside sponsors. Our tiny team of four covers Roman Road LDN and our three other sister sites in Tower Hamlets. If you value our role as a trusted local media organisation that works for the benefit of our community, please support us by becoming a member today.

Membership for Individuals

Here are the options for regular monthly or annual donations to help us plan for the future. Thank you!


£3, £6, £12 or £18 paid monthly.


Equivalent of £3, £6, £12 or £18 per month paid annually and with a few pounds savings too!


Prefer not to become a member? You can also support us with a single donation (GBP).

Live abroad? You can make a single donation in USD or a single donation in EUR.


We’re looking for generous patrons who believe in constructive community journalism as much as we do and would like to sponsor journalism training for local young people, many of whom come from underrepresented backgrounds. For £3,000 you could sponsor one Fellow through our six-month Fellowship programme, providing them with one-to-one training, mentoring and support in finding a job in journalism, and helping to make the media more representative. To find out more about how the Fellowship works, contact Tabitha Stapely.

Membership for Organisations

If you run a business or organisation, our Membership for Organisations will help you reach our East London audiences online, in print and on social media. As a member, you can publish a business profile page on our website and upload unlimited events and news for free, which are then shared in our newsletters and social media platforms. As a member, you will also get discounts on advertising online and in our print magazine The Slice Tower Hamlets.


By prior agreement only.

– Inclusion in online Local Hub
– Pinned to Instagram Highlight bar
– 50% off job listings
15% discount on advertising**


Covers our costs.

– Inclusion in online Local Hub
– Pinned to Instagram Highlight bar
– 50% off job listings
20% discount on advertising**
– Free small ad in biannual print mag
– Regular mentions in newsletter
– Social media amplification


Allows us to grow.

– Inclusion in online Local Hub
– Pinned to Instagram Highlight bar
– 50% off job listings
25% discount on advertising**
– Free small ad in biannual print mag
– Regular mentions in newsletter
– Social media amplification


Funds subsidised members.

– Inclusion in online Local Hub
– Pinned to Instagram Highlight bar
– FREE job listings
25% discount on advertising**
– Free quarter page ad in biannual print mag
– Regular mentions in newsletter
– Social media amplification
– Listed as benefactor online & in print

** Excluding prime positions and restricted to one display ad of any size per issue.

Our existing members

Member endorsements

Hear from our existing members who tell us why they support us.

Stuart Cox, St Margaret’s House

St Margaret’s House has really benefited from our collaboration with Roman Road LDN. We really wanted to connect locally with new audiences and we wanted to work with a digital organisation who were imaginative in their way of going about this. They are friendly, creative and fun to work with but also very strategic and professional. They have really added value to our project and helped increase our community engagement in Tower Hamlets

Peter H, Individual Member

Having recently moved to Bethnal Green, Roman Road LDN has been a really great way to learn more about what’s going on in the area. There are so many shops, places to eat and pieces of history that I definitely wouldn’t have discovered without signing up.

Jane D., Individual Member

I love getting Roman Road LDN – thank you so much! Fascinating articles and such excellent journalism – one of the best things to arrive in my inbox each week! It’s one of my little luxuries, to settle down with a cup of tea and read it.

Mike M., Neighbourhood Forum

Social Street’s news and articles on local businesses, housing and local campaigns have been a valuable source of information as we have developed the neighbourhood plan. During the pandemic they came to our rescue by enabling us to share the draft neighbourhood plan virtually, and obtain local feedback. This community magazine is a precious local resource. 

Isaac C., Muxima

Roman Road LDN has been fantastic for our business. We have been using them to promote our events at a reasonable cost and have brought exposure to our venue, Muxima. They have single-handedly brought the community of Tower Hamlets together during Covid.

Add Member Endorsement

Your words could help encourage others to join our community of members.