
Petition to ban single-use plastic packaging at Tesco Bow Metro

Join the national campaign and help Roman Road ban non-recyclable single-use plastic packaging by attending the mass request at Tesco Bow Metro this Saturday 7th April.

On Saturday you will have the opportunity to join other local residents and pressure groups to show your support of this initiative by returning the plastic packaging in your shopping to Tesco manager or to the customer service counter.

This petition, which is sweeping the nation, was set up by Rosie Copeland whose group is targeting supermarkets worldwide to make their packaging recyclable and create less reliance on plastic. The petition now has over 170,000 subscribers.

For more information on this mass request to ban plastic packaging at Tesco and other supermarkets nationwide visit the group’s Facebook and Twitter pages.

Shoppers across the country are being asked to return all plastic packaging that is non-recyclable to their local supermarket along with the letter below, a personal request for supermarkets to reduce the amount of plastic packaging being used.

If you want to support this environmental campaign then turn up this Saturday 7th April, collect the packaging from your shop and hand it to customer services together with the letter below. The letter should be addressed to the store manager of Tesco Bow Metro, Marcel Motycka.

Image credit: Eco Life

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Tabitha Stapely

Tabitha Stapely is the founder of Social Streets C.I.C, a not-for-profit news and media organisation using journalism to strengthen communities, particularly those in disadvantaged areas. Prior, Stapely was a writer and editor for national titles including The Telegraph Saturday Magazine, Elle and Red magazines.

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