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The Legend of G.Kelly: making quality working class food for generations

When G. Kelly pie and mash on Roman Road reopened after being closed for refurbishment the fanfare was fit for a rockstar. East Londoners queued down the road for their fill, social media was suddenly chock-a-block with locals posing with ‘proper’ pies and mash, and owner Neil Vening has been as busy as he’s ever been – which is some feat. 

The love-in is no great surprise to anyone familiar with Bow in East London. G. Kelly has been a fixture on the street for almost a century, and when it closed for refurbishment in 2017 the clamour for it to reopen was almost immediate. We spoke with Vening about the shop’s history, its ongoing commitment to handmade food, and the cultural value of old businesses.

G. Kelly at 526 Roman Road has been in the Vening family for three generations. Some of you may remember when there were two of them on the road, the other being at 600. That had been in the family for four generations.

Neil Vening, 28, has taken over the main responsibilities of running the shop. He’s been involved in its workings on and off since he was 12 years old, when he was drafted in to wash dishes. By the final year of his degree, he knew his future lay at G. Kelly.

It’s been something of a baptism of fire for Vening. Soon after his return, it became clear the building needed refurbishing if it was to have any kind of long-term future, but he isn’t one to be flustered. We speak in the new-look, old-school interior of the shop and his mind always focuses ahead. Vening is a solutions guy, not a problems guy.

‘The idea was always to get it as close to the original as possible,’ he says, his eyes flicking over the immaculate white tiles and faded photographs. The shop’s ‘new’ exterior is almost indistinguishable from one taken before World War Two. That’s the era Vening was aiming for.  

All the mirrors in the shop are original. The doors are original The grills in the window were dug out of the attic and restored. The sign was made by Ged Palmer of Luminor Sign Co using original designs. Even the tiles were made by the same company as the originals were – Minton Hollins now owned and available from Jonhson Tiles.

The jewel in the crown of the refurb, though, is undoubtedly the bakehouse. Where there was once a shed there is now a glistening, bustling kitchen operating in full view of its customers. Pies are cooked on demand throughout the day and brought out fresh, often by Vening himself. Every time we’ve met he’s been wearing an apron. 

Automation is a big no-no at G. Kelly. They mince the meat themselves and assemble the pies by hand. The dough and mash begin their lives as sacks of potatoes and flour. Tins are effectively banned. Ingredients have to be fresh. That’s the value for Vening. A huge amount of effort goes into the final product.

‘When you do it all from scratch without big machines it is difficult,’ he says. ‘People think pie and mash is a simple food, but being able to produce that on-site from scratch for £3.80 takes more care than people realise.’

If the never-ending stream of customers is anything to go by, the care resonates. Food made with care tastes better than food made with machines. ‘I don’t take much joy from selling cans of coke,’ Vening laughs. ‘And actually people always finish their pies but they normally leave half a cup of coke left.’ 

G. Kelly shows that the old ways can not only hold their own on the modern high street, they can thrive. It’s an oddly modern approach in this day and age. They’ve even been selling vegan pies since 1994. ‘Before it was cool,’ Vening laughs.

The mash there is still water-based, and eels (jellied and stewed) remain on the menu. The latter splits opinion. ‘Some people love them, some people hate them,’ he says. ‘It’s very rare that you get someone in between, it’s a bit like marmite.’ Italian tourists like them, French not so much. Vening’s grandfather used to go out to Italy and see the eel fisheries at the lakes. It’s part of their food culture. 

The working class origins of the dish go some way to explaining why G. Kelly is the busiest its been since the 1980s. ‘Because pie and mash is a very simple food, and it’s always been considered a poor person’s meal, I think for a long time people’s attitudes were negative towards it,’ Vening says. 

‘These days there’s an understanding that there’s nothing wrong with food which is simple and doesn’t cost huge amounts of money. It doesn’t have to be really cutting edge gastronomy to be something you want to eat. And if you can afford to eat it six times, that’s perfect.’

The shop is already being adopted into West Ham matchday ritual. Tube, pie and mash, down the Roman to the London Stadium, watch the game, home. Lovely jubbly. 

Not that Vening is content to rest on his laurels. The core menu is solid, but additions are on the horizon, starting with the reintroduction of apple and rhubarb crumble. More leeway to be creative with desserts. ‘There’s no hard and fast dessert you have to have with pie and mash, except maybe a pie,’ Vening says.  

And that’s to say nothing of events, or social media, or stalls, or all manner of possibilities open to G. Kelly now it’s back in business. ‘There’s always stuff to do,’ he says. ‘I could work every hour of every day if I wanted to.’ Right now Vening settles for most hours of the day. He’s just glad to be back in G. Kelly normality. 

‘I’m continuing the tradition of my family, and I suppose a cultural artefact. Without us what other old businesses would there be? We lost the old printer, Arber’s. It’s just us and Abbott’s.’ he says. ‘I think that it’s essential to have culture that’s not a new invention, that is actually a real thing.’ New shops should own that they’re new, and old shops should own that they’re old. 

G. Kelly certainly embraces its past, and locals love the place for it. With revamped infrastructure in place, you wouldn’t bet against the shop going strong on the Roman for another four generations and beyond. Here’s to that.

G.Kelly pie and mash Roman Road shop front
G. Kelly shop front window
G.Kelly pie and mash Roman Road pies lined up in dishes
G. Kelly pies lined up in trays
G.Kelly pie and mash Roman Road customer carrying plate of pie and mash
Careful now. Customer carrying pie and mash to table
G.Kelly pie and mash Roman Road Neil Vening
Neil Vening standing by ovens
G.Kelly pie and mash Roman Road members of staff
Owner Neil and long-time GKelly staff member, Leanne (and yes, they offer Climpson’s coffee)
G.Kelly pie and mash Roman Road close up of pie and mash
Plate of pie, mash, and liquor
G.Kelly pie and mash Roman Road customer ordering and chatting to staff
An 8, 6 and 2 please. That’s eight pies, six mash and two liquors.
G.Kelly pie and mash Roman Road pouring liquor with ladle
The all important liquor.
G.Kelly pie and mash Roman Road customer taking pie away
Tub of pie and mash to takeaway
G.Kelly pie and mash Roman Road customer stowing pie away in bag
A trolley for the pie and mash?
G.Kelly pie and mash Roman Road dirty pie dishes
Original pie dishes
G.Kelly pie and mash Roman Road dad and child enjoying meal
Traditions passed down the generations
G.Kelly pie and mash Roman Road machinery
Machinery piping out mash potatoe
G.Kelly pie and mash Roman Road waiting on group of men
Waiting on group of customers
G.Kelly pie and mash Roman Road bulldog entering shop
Bulldog entering G.Kelly’s
G.Kelly pie and mash Roman Road customer eating while on phone
A private spot for pie and mash
G.Kelly pie and mash Roman Road working with mash
Portions of mash wrapped individually to prevent them sticking to the paper
G.Kelly pie and mash Roman Road woman eating at G.Kelly's
Pie and mash for one – for £3.80 you can treat yourself every day
G.Kelly pie and mash Roman Road interior of cafe
A fresh new look for G.Kelly’s
G.Kelly pie and mash Roman Road two customers eating
Original style benches and rails have been re-installed
Archive image of man at GKelly pie and mash shop during a pie eating competition in 197
Pie eating competition in the 1970s
Picture of GKelly pie and mash shop on the day it opened on Roman Road in East London in 1937
Taken on the day G.Kelly’s opened in 1937.

If you liked reading this, you may also like our feature on the re-opening of Angel and Crown pub.

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Frederick O'Brien

Fred is a writer and researcher with a background in sustainable development. His research has featured in The Independent, the Evening Standard, and the New York Post, among others.

4 thoughts on “The Legend of G.Kelly: making quality working class food for generations

  • Conrad Kessler

    A lovely feature with stunning photographs. The lively text and images really bring this neighbourhood staple alive. Well done everyone!

  • Leona potter

    It’s the people that make the place. Leigh and rob are a credit to the business. I have had the pleasure of their unique dining experience and it encaptures the essence of the east end. Cheeky and feisty but warm loving and genuinely caring. I spent my whole pregnancy in rrgkels sometimes 5 pie mash liqueur a day. Banging the door down at closing time. Health and work wise it was a rocky road but the vibe and tenacious east end energy that only rr pie n mash can provide got me through. You strengthen the community in many many ways. Thank you guys. Xxxx

  • Leona potter

    One lazy day I went to make smash for my daughter and I had a flash back of leigh (lady with the i might be laughing at u smile behind counter) saying my ol man would think I’ve lost it if I got to the point that I cant peal a potato. Theres not excuse for instant potato with all that crap in it ….followed by Rob coming out with pies……”what u going on about” …I chocked on my food….. leigh said look what you’ve done now, I chocked more it wasnt real chocking I was in hysterics!!! Rob was holding tray of pies leigh was like well get out the way the girls pregnant and chocking, he put the tray down still blocking leigh from getting out from behind counter unintentionally and stepped over to lightly pat my back with big hands lol saying “are you alright love” leigh said rob just step away from the customer…..i swear I was still laughing about this in the labour room….its these moments that keep the eastend with me for life

  • barry bourne

    My Mum used to work at Kelly’s back in the late 50’s early 60’s
    Glad to see it’s still there
    Do you still sell live eels from the stall outside as a kid I used to love watching the eels sliding around in the trays and seeing them get picked and gutted and cut up for the customer


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