Event description
Acupuncture is a system of healing which has been practised with great effect for thousands of years. Our health is dependent on the smooth, uninterrupted flow of subtle energy that runs through inter-connecting channels in the body. The flow of energy can be disturbed by stress, anxiety, poor nutrition, infections or trauma.
Acupuncture addresses the symptoms as well as the underlying cause. Acupuncture can treat a very broad range of conditions, from the physical to the mental-emotional. One of the main benefits of treatment is that there is often more to be gained than just relief from a particular condition. Many people find their energy levels increase and they feel more in tune with themselves. Community Acupuncture offers gentle, ethical and affordable solutions to pain, stress
and illness. Professionally registered practitioners Andrew, John and Truus passionately believe we are all interconnected in our community and that high
quality, affordable healthcare should be accessible to all, free from financial, social or geographical barriers.
At St Margaret’s House Community Acupuncture clinic we treat a number of people in the same room while protecting privacy, dignity and confidentiality, this allows us to offer treatments at an affordable rate.
Tags: things to do
Category: Sports
About organisation
St Margaret’s House is a unique charity supporting creativity and wellbeing. Our mission is to promote positive social change by creating opportunities for people to come together and play a ...
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