Tower Hamlets Council have announced the Call for Sites scheme, an opportunity to help the development of land and buildings in the borough.
Individuals and organisations can let the council know about lands or buildings in the borough that could be developed further as part of its existing use, or developed to change how it is used.
Those who make the suggestion do not need to own a site, and The Plan Making team will review all suggestions. Anyone can submit a site, including community groups, developers, landowners and agents. A number of factors will be taken into consideration when deciding on suitability for development including:
- Environmental e.g. risk of flood, drainage, air quality, noise pollution
- Transport accessibility
- Heritage and design factors
- Size and layout
- The need for different land uses
- Infrastructure capacity
- Any existing planning-related site allocations e.g. town centre boundaries, housing, green space
To submit a site to be surveyed, use this link and more info can be found here.