A unique career development programme for creatives in the city.
Aimed at graduates, start-ups, emergent & mid-career photographers/artists, Four Corners LCN offers:
- Business support tailored for the creative industries
- Photography specific workshops & talks led by industry professionals
- Specialist practical sessions including darkroom, studio, and moving image skills
- Opportunities to access Four Corners’ production facilities including film equipment, studio and darkroom
- Support with arts fundraising and bid development
- Opportunities to create and exhibit new projects
- The chance to be part of a creative community of freelancers from across the city.
Apply by 28 June: https://bit.ly/LCNSummer22
The London Creative Network programme is delivered by SPACE, with Cockpit Arts, Four Corners and Photofusion.
The programme is part-financed by the European Regional Development Fund Programme 2014 to 2020.
Four Corners believes in film and photography for all. As a registered charity, our work builds upon almost 50 years of radical, socially-engaged approaches to photography and film. Situated on ...