Free film school for Tower Hamlets residents.
DEADLINE EXTENDED: Apply online by 22nd November 2021.
ZOOM offers one year of professional support for those interested in a career in Film or TV, including:
- 6 weeks of practical filmmaking training, including the production of a short film.
- 3 mentoring sessions with a high-caliber industry professional.
- Accreditation (Open College Network credits in Film Production).
- Masterclasses and networking sessions.
- Paid placement and job opportunities.
- Bespoke career guidance and pastoral support.
- Travel and childcare costs.
Open to:
- Residents of Tower Hamlets
- aged 18+
- from a lower socio-economic background, unemployed, in a low waged role, and/or claiming benefits
- not in full-time education.
We particularly welcome applications from groups currently under-represented in the film/TV industry. This includes women, people from Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic backgrounds, disabled people, single parents, and carers.
“It was just amazing how Four Corners were not just offering the course, but also assisted me in everything I needed in order to be able to do it. They covered childcare, for example. They went above and beyond to help me do the course. The training changed my life. I feel like for the first time in many years, I’m finally able to do something that I really like.” – ZOOM Participant
ZOOM Film School is generously supported by London Borough of Tower Hamlets.