Roman Road provides inspiration for fashion shoot
Angular high rise estates, colourful shop fronts, graffiti-covered doorways and graphic 60s tiling. Local fashion photographer Leanne Bebbington has drawn out the beauty in the everyday urbanity around Roman Road with a photoshoot inspired by our local area.
Bebbington has called Roman Road her home for the past two and a half years and works for an independent vintage fashion store in Shoreditch called ATIKA London.
As a photographer Bebbington has always found inspiration in the distinctive Roman Road look.
‘It’s full of families,’ she says. ‘People that have lived in the area their whole lives, old buildings and shops. I just love the vibe here. Everyone is pretty friendly too!’
‘I’ve always wanted to shoot around Roman Road. I love the buildings, the decor of newsagents and shops…’
So when she was tasked with shooting ATIKA London’s new clothing collection, she jumped at the chance to bring what she finds inspiring about the Roman to life, through fashion.
Much of her work draws parallels between the outfits and area’s architectural landscape.
She was especially inspired by the unique camel coloured, angular housing estates in this area, like Ingram House, Sandall House and Wilmer House flats – which she replicates in the colour and texture of the clothes.
These high-rise buildings also star as the backdrop in some of her photos. Can you spot which ones?
And we also love how shop-fronts like Roman Bagel also make a starring appearance.
Are there any other Roman Road areas you can spot in the photos? Check them out below and let us know in the comments.