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A day in the life of Sharmishta Mandal, a psychic medium in Bow

Bow-based psychic medium, Sharmishta Mandal, takes us on a journey through her day from reading minds and seeing ghosts, to where she feels is the highest energy spot in Bow.

Bow native, Sharmishta Mandal, 28, has been a professional psychic medium, serving the area for four years. Her spiritual abilities blossomed at the young age of five. Since then, Mandal has nurtured her gift of reading people, their energies, and contacting other-worldly beings. 

To develop her ability even further, Mandal attended the College of Psychic Studies in South Kensington. Currently, she balances two jobs, one managing bars at various stadiums around London, and the other being a medium and guiding people through the unfamiliar spiritual terrain to improve their wellbeing and lives. 

222 Gateway is Mandal’s psychic business where she offers services from psychic readings, tarot card readings, to mediumship. She offers her services to people all over the globe from locals based in London to people in Spain. Mandal runs us through her day in the life of a psychic medium. 

I try to get up at… around 10 am. The first thing I do when I wake up is meditate using malas which are beaded necklaces. It usually takes me about 10 to 15 minutes to meditate. I also like to cleanse my energy using Palo Santo wood (a fragrant tree native to South America which means ‘holy wood’ in Spanish) and practice visualisation.

Visualisation is a form of meditation where you imagine positive images, ideas, and symbols to help calm your body. I imagine myself in a bubble of white light. This helps me feel ready for the day. My breakfast is almost always bagels with avocado and buttermilk. I love my tea. Right now, I love to drink peppermint tea. 

My day involves… cleansing my space and meditating before work. I use crystals to erase my vibrations. Cleansing is really important because you don’t want any negative energy coming into your space and affecting your readings. 

I start work at 1pm. Due to the pandemic, I work from home where I do telephone and video readings from psychic readings, to tarot card readings, to mediumship where I bring back messages from loved ones. 

Tarot card readings are different to psychic ones because they are quite visual. A lot of my clients want to see the reading. In psychic readings, I channel through the client’s natural energy from the vibrations in their voice to the pulse in their palms, back when I could meet them in person. During these readings, I receive guidance from angels. 

As spiritual beings, we go into different realms and dimensions. I get advice from Jesus, Mary Magdalene, and the Egyptian Goddess Iris. When you work with gods and goddesses in the higher realm, they don’t judge you for your religion. They want to help. I enter the higher realm through meditation and using crystals as they push your vibrations up. It’s a lot of inner work to get into the higher realm and to connect with God. 

During my lunch break I like to… take walks or go for a run in Victoria Park. I usually take breaks between meetings so I will go there to balance my energy. 

I like to have homemade food but I have been really into my bubble tea lately so I have that every now and then from Yifang and What The Bubbles! on Mile End Road. My go-to drink is brown sugar milk tea. 

The part of my day I most look forward to is… reading new people. This is not like a normal job where you go in and do the same thing every day. As a psychic medium, you meet new people and make friends on the job. A lot of my clients also happen to be gifted as well. 

A myth about being a psychic medium is… that we wear crystals and have a certain attire or appearance. There are some psychics who dress like that but some of us just look like your everyday people. 

A lot of people also believe that you have to be born with the gift of being a medium but that is not the case. You can develop and work on honing your psychic skills. Anyone can be a psychic; they just have to work on it. 

An assumption about psychic mediums that is true… is that sometimes I can read minds, though I try not to. It’s very random but because I’m quite telepathic I can read other people’s minds. I try to avoid really crowded places like the underground during rush hour. I can feel everyone’s thoughts and energies and it can be quite draining. 

My strangest spiritual encounter was… when one time I was walking down Wellington Way at around 10 pm in the night and I saw a ghost in the tree. It was a really scary experience when I was still becoming used to having psychic abilities but thankfully it didn’t do anything to me. It was like in the films. The ghost was in its spiritual form with long, dark hair and black eyes. 

The place I feel has the highest energy in Bow… is definitely Victoria Park. There is so much positive energy there. I think it is because nature is a highly vibrational being. 

I will try to finish work by… 10pm. I like to end my day similar to how I start my mornings by meditating and saying a little prayer. In the evenings, I like to unwind by watching spiritual TV shows like Witches of the East End or Ghost Whisperer

The kind of person I would recommend this job to… is anyone who has an interest in psychic, spiritual, and paranormal things. However, the first thing about being a psychic is that you should want to help people because that is what the job is about. 

If you enjoyed this article, then read about a day in the life of Nancy McLaughlin.

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2 thoughts on “A day in the life of Sharmishta Mandal, a psychic medium in Bow

  • How can we contact Sharmishta? Would love to book an appointment.

    • Hi Catherine, you can find Sharmishta on Instagram and contact her through there. Her account is at @222gateway.


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