Socially distanced queueing outside Tesco © Rebecca Landon
LocalNewsSocial wellbeing

Lockdown living: readers’ own photographs of life in the pandemic

If you could sum up your experience of Roman Road during lockdown in one picture, what would it be? 

Lockdown is slowly being lifted. Now that we are returning to a state of something resembling normalcy, we asked members of our local community to send in images summarising their experience of Covid-19. 

After all, our local area drastically changed for a period of time, whether it is closed public parks or socially distanced queues. 

Some of these images will be familiar to many of you. Signs of support for the NHS popped up on our social media circles; for instance, those signs on Grove Road (which have since been taken down) and the expertly painted drive-way on Morgan Street. 

These images capture how our community came together in support of key workers and to show solidarity to one another during challenging times. 

Other images show how people’s daily lives were impacted by lockdown, whether it is working from home or being unable to go for a daily jog in Victoria Park while it was closed.

Do you have photographs of your life in lockdown you’d like to add to this photo documentary? A buzz cut? Exercising in your living room? Please send to

Children playing on the streets in a social distanced way
Children being socially distant © Algy Batten
Aerial photo of Victoria Park, empty during lockdown 2020
Empty crossing in Victoria Park © Matt Payne
Victoria Park during lockdown, closed to the public
Kept out of Victoria Park © Wilna Fourie
Enjoying takeway fish and chips and a pint during lockdown, 2020.
Enjoying takeway fish and chips and a pint on the balcony © Therese Detje
Children's chalk drawings on pavement during lockdown
Pavement art © Rebecca Landon
Sign sprayed on tarmac for 2m distancing in Victoria Park during lockdown
Two meters apart in the park © Olivier Van Laer
Social distancing sign on path in empty park during lockdown
Empty Victoria Park © Olivier Van Laer
Stronger Together sign in shop window during lockdown
Stronger Together sign painted by Lumior Signs for Simply Fresh © Annajane Güzel
Painted driveway displaying words 'Stay Home, Save NHS'
Stay Home, Save NHS © Emily Chandler
A watercolour card saying Miss You
Quarantine art – learning to paint with watercolour © Leanne Woodward
Sign hung on building saying 'Stay Home, We Will Come Back Stronger'
‘Stay Home, We Will Come Back Stronger’ © Atter Kalsi
Man on a conference call, working from home during lockdown
Video calls © Algy Batten
Woman multi tasking, working from home with child
Work and childare © Algy Batten
Someone holding a packet of fresh yeast
Hens teeth: fresh yeast © Annajane Güzel
Deserted supermarket with empty shelves
Deserted supermarket © Tabitha Stapely
Sign Paintings for the NHS on Roman Road by artist Peter Liverslidge
NHS signs by Peter Liversidge @ Social Streets

If you like this article, you might also enjoy local photographer Stephie Devred’s photos of Roman Road during lockdown.

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