Vegan French Toast from Sazzy & Fran
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Sazzy & Fran’s vegan French Toast recipe

Sazzy & Fran’s vegan French Toast is a cruelty-free and extra delicious version of the classic sweet breakfast toast. It is also the dish that cafe co-owner Sarah Harrison – the Sazzy in Sazzy and Fran – missed the most when taking the plunge to go totally meat and dairy-free. We can’t thank her enough for coming up with this vegan-friendly recipe.

For those who are not so familiar with this animal-friendly eatery on the Roman, everything in the Sazzy and Fran cafe is vegan and almost everything is made in-house. The only products made elsewhere are the pastries, which are made by a vegan bakery in Hackney.

Their Instagram is pure food porn, full of colour-saturated images of vegan tacos, lasagne, home-made burgers, smoothie bowls, cakes and fluffy pancakes. The 6600 followers prove that this cafe truly knows how to do plant-based food.

The recipe uses stale bread, a great way to reduce your food waste.


Slices of bread, you can use stale bread
1 ½  tsp ground chia seeds
2 T whole wheat flour
1 cup non-dairy milk, add slowly to avoid lumps
1 ½ T nutritional yeast
½ tsp vanilla


Mix all ingredients together in a bowl

Let sit for a few minutes

Dip bread in the mixture and fry, one by one, on a small amount of coconut oil (you can use normal oil too)

Top with coconut cream, granola, berries, and maple syrup, sprinkle with cinnamon and serve.

Visit Sazzy and Fran at 33 Roman Road, E2 0HU, seven days a week. 

Readers loved their coffee too, giving Sazzy and Fran a place in our reader’s choice of top ten best coffee places on Roman Road

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Dominika Kubinyova

Sun worshipper, coffee freak and a full-time plant parent

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