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Amazing photos of the Orbit and Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park [photoessay]

Bow local Phil Verney shares a selection of his photographs of the Orbit and Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park in Stratford.

From his apartment just off Roman Road, local resident Phil Verney has a great vantage point of Anish Kapoor’s Orbit and Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park and a great eye for capturing the neighbourhood at its best.

His wonderful photos may make you think he is a pro, but photography is just a hobby for Verney. ‘I’ve always been interested in photography, but like any hobby, it’s a journey of learning’ he says.

Shooting the local area interests him not only because it’s where he lives (and has for the past few years), but he loves the redevelopment coming out of the Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park.

He explains, ‘Many of the newer buildings offer interesting perspectives and the way the light interacts with them makes for some great photographs.’

For those budding photographers among you, Verney shoots all his photos on either a Nikon D7000 or D7500.

Sunrise at Orbit sculpture, Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park, East London
Anish Kapoor’s Orbit © Phil Verney
Sunrise over Stratford, East London
Sunrise over Stratford © Phil Verney
Fireworks at Olympic Park, East London 2017
Fireworks at Olympic Stadium 2017 © Phil Verney
Lightning over East London
Lightning over East London © Phil Verney
Burst of sun at Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park, East London
Burst of the sun at Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park © Phil Verney
Rainbow over Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park, East London
Rainbow over Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park © Phil Verney
Sunrays over Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park, East London
Sunrays over Stratford © Phil Verney
Sunset over Orbit sculpture and Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park, East London
Whispy clouds over Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park © Phil Verney

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One thought on “Amazing photos of the Orbit and Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park [photoessay]

  • Yet again another interesting story by Kosky with great pictures


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