Bow Arts' new mural, © Bethany Parkinson
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Bow Arts unveil new mural by acclaimed in-house artist Adam Williamson

At their Bow Road studios, Bow Arts now features a mural by the acclaimed artist Adam Williamson.

Whether you’re visiting the Nunnery Gallery and cafe or strolling along Grove Hall Park, a new dark blue mural is certain to catch your eye. 

From Monday 5 June onwards, Bow Arts’ headquarters now features a mural by the acclaimed artist Adam Williamson. 

Commissioned by Studio Manager Bethany Parkinson, the mural, entitled ‘Jewel of Attarine’, depicts a tenfold geometric pattern in various shades of opaque and iridescent blue. Williamson is a specialist in Arabesque and biomorphic art; much of his work explores shapes and patterns found in nature. 

From beginning to end, the mural was a collaborative project. Williamson painted alongside members and employees of The Creative Dimension Trust, a charity focused on encouraging young people to get involved in crafts. Painters include Camilla Dilshat, Alistair Clews, Rebecca Maria Mari, Aly Williamson, Ellie Hart, Diana Upite, Sama Mara, Zade Williamson, Shehana Udat, Charlotte Bamber, Amber Murtaza, Shehma Shabbir, Nicole Frobusch, Dina Safi and Mo Aziz.

Moreover, whilst Williamson chose the design himself, he took on the ideas of his teammates: the white highlights on the right of the mural were the suggestion of another painter involved in the project. Parkison says, ‘Adam was good as a leader in letting people also shape the design themselves’.  

The painting process itself also encouraged public interaction. ‘There was a constant thoroughfare of locals and people who visit the cafe a lot asking about what was going on and how they could get involved’. 

That Williamson lead the project is itself a testament to collaboration and community. Williamson has worked out of the studios at Bow Road for more than five years and is known for running workshops for Bow locals.  

Speaking on the significance and impact of the mural, Parkison says: ‘It encourages people to come down here. A lot of people know about the Gallery and the cafe but not about the studios. We wanted something to draw people down the alleyway ahead of Open Studios’.  

Bow Arts’ Open Studios is taking place on Friday 16 June from 6pm-9pm and Saturday 17 June from 11am-5pm. 

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