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East London Group artists in Bow who painted the real East End during the inter-war years

How John Cooper and the advent of ‘evening classes’ spawned the East London Group of artists who painted the real East End in the inter-war period.

History of the East London Group of artists

In the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, education for the people was sporadic and haphazard, advanced only by voluntary organisations. When the Industrial Revolution engendered mass migration to the cities, it became clear that demand for education could no longer be met in this way.  The Government had to step in and in 1833, the year after the passing of the first Reform Bill, an initial state grant of £20,000 was made towards education.

Thus, a system of state education evolved slowly but surely to include evening classes.  This opportunity was seized upon eagerly by the more intelligent and ambitious school leavers, none more so than the East Enders to whom it was like a life belt to help them out of a wretched existence weighed down by poverty.

Now we must add to the mix a messianic figure in the shape of one John Cooper.  Believing deeply and fervently that man, any man or woman can and should benefit from the life-enhancing attributes of art, he worked tirelessly running art evening classes, finding patrons, arranging exhibitions, organising media attention, raising money – and he was particularly good at working his numerous contacts by dint of a powerful and charismatic personality.

In a short time, he moved his classes to our very own Malmesbury School and many of the pupils forming the hard core of the group were born in the neighbourhood, some in Bow itself.  

The evening class students included Grace Oscroft (1903-1970), the daughter of an ironmonger who supplemented her 6d a week pocket money by lecturing on pictures as well as Elwin Hawthorn(e) (1905-1954), who was born in the Bromley sub-district of Poplar. His paintings and prints epitomised the East London Group by depicting the charm and serenity of his grim surroundings.  

Then there was Archibald Hattemore (1890-1949), born in Bethnal Green and son of a wood-carver; Cecil Osborne born in Poplar in 1909, and Henry Silk (born 1883), a basket-maker by trade.  Albert Turpin, window cleaner, born in Columbia Road, Bethnal Green (1900-1964) in particular made himself a spokesman for the underprivileged and made it his mission to record in paintings all the houses and streets around his home before the developers destroyed them.

So what made the East London Group so special?  Well, it must be remembered they arrived at their evening class tired from their day’s work, they could scarcely afford materials and had had only basic education.

John Cooper exhorted them to stop copying posters or seed packets and to paint straight from life.  They didn’t need to go far, just paint what was around them.  This philosophy ensured that (while occasionally lacking somewhat in technique), their paintings were totally original and honest. Their ability to see and depict beauty and peace in scenes most people would eschew brings a warm feeling to their art which is transmitted to the viewer.  

They are eminently hangable works.  It is possible that this attribute is not so much despite their humble beginnings but because of it.  The plain speaking, hard grafting, no-frills East Ender comes through loud and clear.  With its own form of haunting poetry and Britishness. These men and women maybe could not all leave their day jobs but they sold.  They sold well, they exhibited regularly and were highly praised by notable critics.

 The group also painted stage sets, made a film documenting their activities and contributed to the popular range of Shell posters. They painted during the Depression and as we experience our own recession, maybe now we can re-appreciate the values these artists displayed.

As a permanent reminder of their artistic output, you can see three huge murals created for the New People’s Palace at Mile End Road.  These are courtesy of Phillis Bray, once married to John Cooper.

Acknowledgements:  The deepest thanks to David Buckman from whose book From Bow to Biennale

Painting of Bryant and May match factory by Grace Oscroft
Painting of Bryant and May match factory by Grace Oscroft
Bow Bridge painting by WJ Steggles
Bow Bridge painting by WJ Steggles
Walter Steggles painting of railway fence
Walter Steggles painting of railway fence
Painting of James Road by Henry Silk of the East London Group
Painting of James Road by Henry Silk of the East London Group
Painting of St Clement Hospital by Grace Oscroft of the East London Group
Painting of St Clement Hospital by Grace Oscroft of the East London Group
Painting of Stratford by WJ Steggles of the East London Group
Painting of Stratford by WJ Steggles of the East London Group
Painting of old houses by Henry Silk of the East London Group
Painting of old houses by Henry Silk of the East London Group
Painting of Grove Hall Park by Harold Steggles of the East London Group
Painting of Grove Hall Park by Harold Steggles of the East London Group

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3 thoughts on “East London Group artists in Bow who painted the real East End during the inter-war years

  • Trevor Hearn

    my mother grew up in Totty St – just off Roman Rd, but alas no longer there – are there any pictures of the area?

  • Therese Revell

    Just wanted to say how interesting this is whole introduction is. These painters are new to me and I have come to this site through a slight deflection, but I’m really glad I did. I don’t live in London now, but it is my hometown. If I come up for some reason before July 13, I will try and come to see the exhibition.

  • heather dyer

    I first heard about this group of artists when David Buckman’s book was published about 2 years ago (I read it on Spitalfields Life, a really good blog full of information).
    When I discovered a comprehensive exhibition of the East London Group of Artists work was going to be held at the Nunnery, Bow Road, I just had to see it. I belong to the Tower Hamlets University of the Third Age’s art group
    held on Tuesdays at Vic Johnson House. We visited the exhibition last Tuesday and were given a really interesting talk by a gallery volunteer. The exhibition has been really well curated, and has been very popular with the public.
    I would really encourage people to visit this exhibiton whilst its on. Our art group was really inspired and left determined to start looking and drawing modern Bow. Who knows? We could follow in the East London Group of artiss’ footsteps!


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